Category: Success Stories

  • Dusty’s Story

    Dusty’s Story

    As told by Dusty’s owner: Dusty is my Pembroke Welsh Corgi that I have had since he was 8 weeks old. He had a brief show career, winning his championship in just 4 showings, and his grand championship a year later. At age 6 he started showing signs of rear leg problems. I took him…

  • Bear’s Story

    Bear’s Story

    As told by Bear’s owner:  At the beginning of 2017, Bear was a very active boy with perfect health. Out of nowhere, his front right leg swelled up to twice its size and all of the fur began to fall out in chunks. I had been taken over a dozen different vets over the span…

  • Zorro’s Story

    Zorro’s Story

    As told by Zorro’s owner:  Zorro is a handsome and sweet Pembroke Welsh Corgi who was having issues with pain and walking. He had initially been treated conservatively with rest, steroids, and pain medications, but in early January for 2019, he began having more difficulty getting up and moving his head. In April, his symptoms…

  • Zoey’s Story

    Zoey’s Story

    As told by Zoey’s owner: Zoey, a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, went down at the young age of 2 years old. She spent 2 weeks with my vet and I hate to say this, but he made no effort to educate me as to what I was dealing with. I just knew she had a problem…

  • Stinky’s Story

    Stinky’s Story

    As told by Stinky’s owner Stinky Allen was adopted from the local humane society in 2012 at the age of 3. About a year after adopting Stinky, we noticed a white ulceration appearing on his nose. He was starting to get extremely congested and lethargic as well. We took him to see one vet who…

  • Lilli’s Story

    Lilli’s Story

    As told by Lilli’s owner Lilli, a miniature Dachshund, was brought into the Warrick Humane Society shelter in the fall of 2018 along with her sister. Their former owner, a breeder, had become homeless and could no longer care for her dogs. Lilli was suspected of being pregnant and had tested positive for Heartworm Disease.…

  • Olive’s Story

    Olive’s Story

    As told by Olive’s owner:  My name is Jeannie and I am a disabled veteran. I had lost my first service dog, Gwen, in September 2019 to a massive heart attack.  I adopted Olive on December 15, 2019. I believe Olive was destined to be my dog because she had an adoption that fell through…

  • Padme’s Story

    Padme’s Story

    As told by Padme’s owner:  Padme is a Maltese & Lhasa Apso who has been with me and my family since the day she was born. We’ve traveled together by plane, hiked many mountains, and explored almost every park along the West Coast. It’s safe to say she is my best friend, and she has…

  • Teddy’s Story

    Teddy’s Story

    As told by Teddy’s owner: Teddy was born with what was diagnosed as a stage 3 heart murmur. The breeder disclosed this to us prior to our purchasing him.  I checked with two veterinarians and a cardiologist, and all three told me that it is common, and he should grow out of it.  Teddy was…

  • Tucker’s Story

    Tucker’s Story

    As told by Tucker’s owner:  Tucker is a handsome 5 year old mini Dachshund living with his Momma Susan in Georgia. He is a trained service dog and a vital part of his Momma’s life. In early May, 2022 he went to sleep and the next morning he was unable to get up or move…