The program was named in memory of a handsome 6-year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Bandit who passed away very unexpectedly during a routine surgical procedure. Four years later, after experiencing rapid growth and assisting hundreds of dogs, the program became a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation called Bandit’s BandAid, headquartered in the state of Indiana. In 2021, we changed our name to clearly define our mission to provide need-based financial assistance for all breeds of dogs requiring urgent veterinary care.
We help dogs that are in rescue, foster care, or private ownership throughout the United States. Assistance is based upon the urgency and the severity of the dog’s medical condition, the financial need of the applicant, and the availability of funds to help. Those requesting our help must submit a completed application that will be reviewed by at least two board members. Applicants who qualify for assistance will be contacted as soon as funding is available. Most funds are paid directly to the medical provider at the time services are rendered.
A few years after we moved to Indiana, my husband and I were discussing adopting a second dog as a buddy to our Border Collie, Zoe. I had come across a photo of a handsome tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi on Facebook posted by a local rescue organization. We never owned a Corgi, but every time we took a quiz about what dog breed would best suit us, Corgis came up as number one.
In 2017 our KC girl, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, bravely proceeded to fight her way through what ended up being the “DM journey”.
Contact Us
We advise that you do not rely solely on us to obtain funding for your dog, as funds are limited. Learn about other grants that may be available to you by visiting our Resources page.
Bandit’s K9Care is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing dogs with transparent & compassionate support since 2014. Federal EIN: 83-2035864
Copyright © 2023 Bandits K9Care